Well it seems that 2k managed to botch the widescreen in the PC version of BioShock 2. Hmm...this sounds familiar...
It's nice to see 2k getting on top of patching the issue in such a timely fashion, but didn't they learn their lesson last time? In case you missed the first BioShock (whaaaaaat!?) or just need a refresher, the game clipped off the top and bottom of the image when played on widescreen monitors or television. Normally, widescreen expands the sides of the image by essentially making the entire image smaller and then utilizing the extra real estate on either side to display wider image on the screen (get it?). This is what the "letterbox" effect is when you watch a widescreen movie on a normal 4:3 television. Same idea in a video game.
What 2k did with BioShock (and now Bioshock 2) however was simply leave the image at it's original size and clip a little of the top and bottom of the image, actually limiting the player's field of view rather than improving it. This is not how widescreen is supposed to work. (Any goldfish that might be reading this, see explanation above)
It's nice to see that 2K has the patch up today, supposedly, I haven't been able to find it. Regardless, why are we going through this again? This is the exact same issue that affected the original BioShock. Did the developers at 2k somehow forget the whole debacle in the 3 years between the titles? Maybe they should just start prepping the widescreen patch for BioShock 3 now. Especially because, with the first to being as awesome as they are, you bet I'm going to be picking that up as soon as it comes out, and I'd prefer that it work on my monitor right out of the box this time.
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