Friday, January 15, 2010

All Beyond Good & Evil fans: join me in saying "Hip-hip-huh?"

So apparently Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in development, according to IGN and Ubisoft. This is stark contrast to comments made by Ubisoft president, Laurent Detoc, last July which gave the feeling BG&E2 had been put on indefinite hold or scrapped altogether.

At the time, Detoc said: "Whether or not it comes out remains to be seen anyway, but we didn't want to abandon that IP because it has a cache and authenticity about it," Detoc said at the time. "There's something very pure about that game and it's too bad that we were not able to build it as an IP at the time."'re telling me that you're company is continuing to spend time and money on developing a game that you're not even sure will be released. Yeah, sure, that makes a crazy person. Although it's better than the alternative of the game being scrapped altogether.

So I'm not sure who these sources at Ubisoft are, but I wish they'd been a little more detailed. Anyways, enjoy the original teaser video (confirmed as being in-game by Ubisoft) as well as leaked footage that is, for some reason, still debated as to whether or not it's in-game, actually BG&E2, or even real at all. Courtesy of those crazy bastards at IGN.

For those of you that don't care because you didn't play the first game (which was the majority of you or the sequel wouldn't be on such shaky ground): the biggest, fattest "Shame on you" I can muster. Because you missed out on an absolutely FANTASTIC game. And since it came out on Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox AND PC I recommend you go pick it up right now and play it. Chances are you have one of those systems around, or a backwards compatible successor, if you're even at this site in the first place. Go. No, don't waste time watching these videos, GO! NOW!


Leaked Footage

Friday, January 8, 2010

Supreme Commander 2 details.

Fans of science fiction RTS rejoice! No, StarCraft II hasnt' been released early, sorry. Didn't mean to get your hopes up. However, IGN has details on Supreme Commander II and that's almost as good...kinda.
On a related note however, those unimpressed by SupComm 1's lacking story and those worried about the newly forged partnership with Square Enix can both find some solace in the knowledge that Square Enix's hand in the project will be to beef up the story. Or not, depending on your reasons for trepidation regarding the Square Enix partnership. The rest of you, however will likely be glad to hear about SupComm 2 being treated to "an involved story that features fractured relationships between a core cast of characters will be told, chiefly through brief in-engine cutscenes at the beginning of missions and, refreshingly, during the gameplay itself, with plot and character development coming over the radios as the plot-specific units chat to each other. " Sounds somewhat like that other big SciFi RTS of years past don't it? Emphasis on the "SciFi." This is still Supreme Commander so some of those characters are going to be robots, insectoid aliens, talking brains in jars and dinsoaurs wearing powered armor.
Besides the storyline focus, SupComm 2 will be making some changes to its multiplayer. Namely that GDG net is no longer a part of the game. Instead the game will be completely integrated into Valve's Steam software and utilize it's powerful, and popular, features.
Other things to get some simplification include the game's economy system. Gone is the complex web of SupComm1 and returned is the more traditional system of gathering, and saving, resources used to buy structures and technology upgrades. Much like the simplification that took place in Final Fantasy 7 (see what I did there?) the developers are hoping a simplification of the game's trickier mechanics will attract more players.
Even the code of the game itself has been simplified, allowing SupComm 2 to be played on PC's with lower specifications than the minimum requirements of SupComm 1. For those that missed out on the first game due to lack of a "serious" gaming rig or Xbox 360, this is fantastic news indeed. However, this did cost the game it's ability to support custom maps; though general modding is still possible.
Of course, this being a sequel and all, expect the requisite upgrades to graphics, maps and units. Did I mention that the game will have a canon that fires TANKS!? All in all, there's plenty of reason to get excited when the game releases sometime this March.